06 Jan Microsoft 365 | December 2018 Updates
Microsoft 365 | December 2018 Update
The latest update to Microsoft 365 was released on 3 January, and regular users of this versatile software suite will no doubt be interested to learn what’s new in this version. We’ve rounded up the latest features that improve the scope of the software and make it easier to use than ever before.
For the full list of updates, please see the video:
Captions and subtitles for PowerPoint
Your presentations will become more inclusive and accessible than ever before with this feature, which allows you to add live captions and subtitles generated by artificial intelligence within the software. Accessed from the Slide Show menu, the subtitle options will allow the hard of hearing to easily comprehend your presentation. The real-time translation facility will also allow viewers not fluent in your language to understand the subject at hand.
The ABC of acronyms
Acronyms are a common feature of ‘in the know’ industry chatter and can be daunting for those unfamiliar with them. Using Microsoft’s Graph technology, Microsoft 365 can suggest likely definitions for the acronyms within your documents, effortlessly deciphering corporate lingo.
Dark matter
Attractive and ideal for use in low lighting, Office for Mac’s new Dark Mode gives your software a toned-down appearance and synchronises with Mojave’s darker appearance settings.
A fresh Outlook
The design of the iOS version of Outlook has been reworked with usability and efficiency in mind. Content takes precedence over headers and controls in this latest version, allowing you to interact with your messages with the bare minimum of interference.
If you Book it, they will come
Microsoft’s Bookings tool is used to organise and manage appointments within a company, and the latest improvements make it more customisable and easy to use than ever, as well as integrating the Bookings mobile app. Arranging that doctor’s appointment or haircut will be a breeze with this latest update.
If you have any questions regarding these updates, please get in touch with a member of the Care team by emailing helo@carecomputers.co.uk